Zack A. Tack commented on a list
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2016) (110 movies items)
"1. Manhunter 2. Fight Club 3. Princess Mononoke 4. Inside Out 5. 500 Days of Summer 6. Taxi Driver 7. Sin City 8. The Shawshank Redemption 9. Pulp Fiction 10. American Psycho"
8 years, 12 months ago
Zack A. Tack commented on a list
Listal's 100 Best TV Shows (2016)-THE RESULTS (100 tv items)
"Good list. So far, I only have 6, and they would have to be: Teen Wolf Daredevil Batman the animated series Buffy Angel Frasier"
9 years ago